Posts tagged health
Turning Your Intentions Into Actions

Forming a personal intention is the first step in working toward your goal, yet it requires additional effort to put these plans into action. Sometimes constraints such as time, motivation, distractions, or fear stand in the way of acting on plans. Regardless of the size and impact of your personal goals, you may encounter some frustrating and discouraging challenges along the way. Utilizing certain approaches and strategies to prevent this from happening on your journey is essential to ensure your intentions have enough momentum to reach your end goals.

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Motivating Yourself to Push Through Challenges

Motivation is something that is rarely discussed in the pursuit of dreams and ambitions, yet it plays a pivotal role in the outcome of endeavors. Motivation is a key factor in pursuing goals of any kind, whether that be for your health, fitness, schoolwork, future, relationships, or overall happiness. No matter what type of goals you have for yourself, it requires a conscious decision and motivation to put in the work to make those changes and discover the individual growth you are capable of achieving.

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Happy and Healthy Holidays with the Family

The holidays are near, which means we will soon be surrounded by delicious seasonal treats such as pumpkin pie, candy canes, peppermint bark, and gingerbread cookies. And would it truly be the holiday season without indulging in some of these decadent sweets?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not mean we need to miss out on all of our favorite holiday traditions. A healthy lifestyle is built on maintaining overall balance, which allows the flexibility of enjoying your family’s secret sugar cookie recipe as you have for several years in the past. So, after you enjoy these holiday traditions, keep up with your current health and wellness routine to ensure you are truly feeling balanced in your lifestyle.

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Hydrating for Health

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We hear this all the time, but what is the reasoning behind the notion? Water is one of the most readily available resources in the United States, yet the numerous benefits are often overlooked and underutilized in the pursuit of health and wellness.

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