Motivating Yourself to Push Through Challenges


This post was contributed by Megan Moret, a Doctor of Occupational Therapy student who worked with us here at Parker Place as part of her final capstone project in the fall of 2021!

Motivation is something that is rarely discussed in the pursuit of dreams and ambitions, yet it plays a pivotal role in the outcome of endeavors. Motivation is a key factor in pursuing goals of any kind, whether that be for your health, fitness, schoolwork, future, relationships, or overall happiness. No matter what type of goals you have for yourself, it requires a conscious decision and motivation to put in the work to make those changes and discover the individual growth you are capable of achieving.

 Why does motivation matter?

Motivation can be the difference between putting on your gym shoes to take a 30-minute walk outside in the evening and slipping into your comfortable pajamas to catch up on your favorite Netflix series. Finding the motivation to get yourself up and out the door to put in the work for your health brings you closer to your fitness goal rather than moving in the opposite direction. While both fitness and entertainment may both be important parts of your lifestyle, who says you have to choose? You can try setting up your mobile device on a treadmill or stationary bike to enjoy your favorite shows or movies as you challenge your body! These types of lifestyle changes may not appear as the most desirable choice in your day, but when you invest in yourself, you invest in your future.

How can I become more motivated?

Finding motivation can be tricky when you feel overwhelmed by other responsibilities in your life. One strategy to discover your own form of motivation is picturing yourself in the future and the outcome of these goals. What does this look like for you? What choices or changes in your routine will it take to become the person you desire to be? Finding an outside perspective in various forms of education may bring you some insight on the challenges that you face throughout this journey. Explore these options to increase your motivation and reach your goals:

  • Listening to podcasts on the topic of your goals

  • Reading self-development books

  • Writing down your goals and the steps it will take to accomplish these

  • Crafting a vision board

  • Saving motivational quotes

  • Encouraging friends or family members to join you on this journey

  • Joining local or Facebook groups to find others with similar goals

What do you find motivates you most?