Parker Place and covid-19



As we all continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and its continued effects, we remain committed to providing consistent and caring treatment for our patients’ endocrine conditions, while doing all we can to stop the spread of the coronavirus. We will continue to do everything we can to continue to support your health, and to do so as safely and responsibly as possible. After all…

we’re all in this together!

Our providers and staff will continue to abide by the recommendations of the CDC and national and local officials, while still providing appropriate care for our patients.. We have created this section of our website to address your concerns and keep you informed of our evolving care model during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below you’ll find the answers to some of our community members’ frequently asked questions, as well as links to other important information on our site.



Are you seeing patients in person at this time?

Yes - we are accepting appointments for both new patients and established patients! We have morning, afternoon and evening appointment times available, and we encourage you to contact us to schedule your visit.

Do you offer virtual visits?

Generally speaking, our providers are willing to conduct a telemedicine visit when it is clinically appropriate for the patient. That being said, insurance companies’ willingness to cover telemedicine visits varies greatly, so we strongly encourage you to contact your insurance company to verify your child’s coverage for a telemedicine visit prior to scheduling, to avoid any unexpected bills. Click here to learn more about our telemedicine option.

Does your office require face masks?

Yes. In accordance with CDC guidelines and Maryland state requirements for healthcare settings, face masks are required for all patients, family members, and guests aged 3 and older. Please be sure to bring face masks with you to your visit. If you forget, we have masks available for purchase at our front desk for $1.00 each.

What else are you doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

In addition to requiring masks, we continue to follow best practices for safety and sanitization. You can learn more about our protocols here.

Please click on any of the buttons below to read more about how Parker Place is responding to COVID-19!